quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007

O guardian(UK) viu o 1º episodio e adorou. Channel 5.

"But then, Desperate Executives is a game that any mug can play. I watch all of Disney's shows and all of Paramount's. NBC Universal decline to let me anywhere near theirs, ditto Sony, and Fox's I only get to see when I go home, so I'm missing various crucial bits of information; but for what it's worth, there's a handful I like (including Back to You) but the only one I really love is Californication. It stars David Duchovny as a washed-up writer and is very, very rude but also very funny. It's a sure-fire Channel 4 hit, I think; but then, in the first deal announced, Five goes and buys it and all the execs from the other channels roll their eyes when I say I liked it. 'Really?' they say. It's sour grapes, but still, I start to crack a little. I begin to have doubts. Maybe it is just another Five tits-and-ass number? I experience what David Smyth calls 'classic buyer's paranoia', until I meet Jason Simms and Toby Etheridge from FX, who tell me they loved it too."http://observer.guardian.co.uk/revie...115571,00.html

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